Anker Stuy Hydrolux Base Primer 17-0535 White is a water-borne opaque primer for parts made from softwood and hardwood and for industrial application on front joinery. Excellent opacity and drying characteristics, spray application to exterior joinery items.
Special Note: Some types of knotty or reddish color woods such as cedar, oak, merbau or redwood contain a water soluble substance that tends to migrate to the surface and cause discoloration an/or slow the drying of the
finish. The use of a non-bleed oil based primer may be necessary to prevent wood extractive bleeding, look to use the  17-0537 Hydrolux Iso Primer is a premium tannin blocking and filling a water-based industrial primer for wood indoors and outdoors based on Tri-Cryl® technology. This primer has excellent isolating properties which help to prevent tannin bleed and discolouration.