Toupret Fine Surface Filler is a ready to use fine surface filler which will adhere to existing paint work and will enhance subsequent re-paint with no sanding required.
Physical and Technical Features
- Fine Surface Filler: filler in ready mixed form for interior use, made of mineral extracts and selected resin.
- Application thickness: 1mm (up to 2mm locally).
- Capacity: 450-700g per m².
- Setting time: second coat as soon as the filler is hard and dry to the touch.
- Overcoating: can be painted in 8 hours average time (after complete drying).
- Colour: White.
Use and Storage Conditions
- The times mentioned are indicative and depend on the substrate, coat thickness, and the ambient conditions.
- Do not apply at a temperature below 8°C or above 35°C nor at a relative humidity over 70%.
- Substrates to be prepared as per the current trade practices.
- Substrates must be hard, cohesive, clean, sound and dry.
- Application tools: filling knife, trowel or blade.
- Tool cleaning: after use, product residue can be rubbed off tools when dry (water cleaning is not necessary).
- Preservation: Store away from sunlight and frost.
Health and Safety
- It is recommended to wear gloves and glasses while applying Toupret Fine Surface Filler .
- Always wear a dust mask when sanding.
- Dispose of unused product and packaging responsibly at your local waste collection centre.